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Embrace Your Wellness Journey with Alkaline Vegan Girls Community

Join Alkaline Vegan Girls, a supportive community led by Coach Swazette. Discover resources, products, and guidance to transition from the Standard American Diet to a vibrant, healthy lifestyle. Together, we can achieve our wellness goals and elevate our lives to their highest potential.

5/8/20241 min read

A large group of people are gathered outdoors under the shade of trees. The majority of them are sitting, wearing a variety of colorful outfits and headscarves. In the background, there is a stage decorated with a banner that suggests a community or health-related event. The surroundings include trees and structures, giving a community gathering feel.
A large group of people are gathered outdoors under the shade of trees. The majority of them are sitting, wearing a variety of colorful outfits and headscarves. In the background, there is a stage decorated with a banner that suggests a community or health-related event. The surroundings include trees and structures, giving a community gathering feel.

Health, Wellness, Community